The Unofficial Website of the
Dover Co-Ed Hockey League

League News

Winter 2020 Playoffs Postponed
March 15, 2020
Posted by: David Beaudoin

If you've been paying attention to the news, you're aware that there is currently major concern with "flattening the curve" of the COVID-19 (aka Coronoavirus) spreading. Because of this, Dover Arena issued a statement regarding the various league games currently scheduled:

"In the interest of public health, the following programs are postponed: Adult COED League games, Women's Chix Games, Over-45 League games. Also, Rock Night is CANCELLED. We continue to evaluate the situation and other postponements or cancellations may be made. As of now, other programs, to include stick and puck are not cancelled. Thank you for your patience."

Since the ice comes out of the arena in late spring to make way for summer events, it's uncertain if the games being postponed will be re-scheduled or simply cancelled. Any updates shared by the arena will be relayed as soon as possible!

Upcoming Games
Monday, Mar 17 @ 6:30 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena

Monday, Mar 17 @ 7:40 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena