The Unofficial Website of the
Dover Co-Ed Hockey League

League News

Summer 2020 Champions Crowned
September 5, 2020
Posted by: David Beaudoin

The DCEHL's return to the rink wrapped up with the conclusion of the Summer 2002 Playoffs. The final games in both the Northern and Southern division were close, but only one team could win each division's crown.

Finishing out the season undefeated in six regular season games and two playoff games, the Grey Flying Squirrels won the Northern Division championship game in a thrilling 1-0 victory over the White team.

The two teams who faced off in the Southern Division were close in points, but only one team could come out on top when the playoffs concluded. The Southern Division Champions were the Red Army with a 2-1 overtime victory against the Dover Purple Pain.

Congratulations to the champs, and good luck defending your crowns when the Fall 2002 season kicks off on September 14, 2020!

Upcoming Games
Monday, Mar 17 @ 6:30 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena

Monday, Mar 17 @ 7:40 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena