The Unofficial Website of the
Dover Co-Ed Hockey League

League News

Meet the Players: Scott MacDonald
October 29, 2020
Posted by: Bear Kirkpatrick

Bear:: Where were you born?

Scott:: Boston, MA.

Bear:: Where do you live now?

Scott:: South Berwick, ME.

Bear:: Team and position?

Scott:: Blue Roosters, usually forward.

Bear:: Why play hockey?

Scott:: In my opinion, it's the greatest sport around... And I have the face for it.

Bear:: Um, so you have lots of missing teeth, broken nose, that kind of thing? Or do you mean that you have a sweet Derek Sanderson style moustache?

Scott:: Nose is definitely crooked due to an encounter with a tree many years ago. My mustache game is weak. Grows more like Kip's from Napoleon Dynamite than Turk's. Wife hates it too.

Bear:: During games, do you like to talk to players from the opposing team? Do you have any particular psychological tactic in doing so?

Scott:: I like talking to everyone. DCEHL is an awesome community on and off ice. I'm not a great trash talker. I always think of a great line to say 2-3 shifts later on the bench. Loses any impact by then.

Bear:: What is the best thing or event that has happened to you while playing?

Scott:: Hoisting the inflatable trophy of course!

Bear:: What is the worst thing or event that has happened to you while playing?

Scott:: I have plenty of hockey related injuries, but even the bad stuff at hockey is still good.

Bear:: If you were lacing up your skates one day and the Hockey Genie appeared to give you 3 hockey-related wishes, what would they be?

Scott:: Team plane for road trip games, free gear for anyone who needs it, and an extra hour of sleep the morning after a late game.

Bear:: Who would win a fight between a zebra and a silverback gorilla?  Why?

Scott:: If it's on ice I'm going zebra. Gorilla would be confused by zebra's stripes, thinking it's a ref. Zebra employs sneak attack leg sweep. Gorilla hits head, rendering him unconscious. Game over.

Bear:: You're having a great season so far. What's happening?

Scott:: Great goaltending and defense. Rest of us provide moral support.

Bear:: Do you learn anything from watching televised hockey?

Scott:: Everything I know of hockey comes from Bruins telecasts, specifically back in the Fred and Derek days.

Bear:: Where do you work?

Scott:: In bathrooms.

Bear:: What do you do there?

Scott:: Tile showers and look at my phone.

Bear:: On the phone are you Googling "how to tile showers?"

Scott:: You can learn anything on YouTube. Replace a shower, tear off a roof, hide a body. No need for a professional.

Bear:: What's your skate sharpening profile preference?

Scott:: I actually switch it up a lot. Still looking for that perfect radius.

Bear:: Does summertime hockey violate general laws of nature?

Scott:: Summer session is the best. Relief from the heat. Everyone is usually hanging in the parking lot postgame too. 

Bear:: How long do you estimate you will play hockey?

Scott:: I feel like I'm just starting to figure it out. Hopefully many more years.

Bear:: Anything starting to go yet?

Scott:: I'm grateful to feel pretty good physically. Mind is not quite up to par, but that's not important for ice hockey, is it?

Bear:: If a meteor were headed straight for earth and you could save the planet by encapsulating hockey in only 5 words, what would they be?

Scott:: Best sport to watch live.

Bear:: If hockey were a vegetable, what vegetable would it be?  Explain your answer.

Scott:: Brussels Sprouts. Stink when you cook it, but great with cheese and bacon, just like hockey.

Bear:: If you could magically attain one skill from a specific NHL player, who is that player and what is the skill?

Scott:: Tough one. Marchand and Patrick Kane are pretty creative with the puck on their stick. I'd like to be able to pull off some of their magic.

Bear:: When did you start skating on ice?  When did you start playing hockey?

Scott:: I think my mom stuck me on the ice around 3. Can’t blame her. Pond and bog hockey by the time I was able to skate on my own. Roller hockey around 14-15. My hometown didn't have an ice hockey program. First taste of organized ice hockey was actually DCEHL.

Bear:: If you could change one thing about the coed league, what would it be?

Scott:: Time off from March to July is brutal. Dry land training doesn't cut it.

Bear:: Name a second thing.

Scott:: An All-Star Game would be cool, voted on by the fans of course.

Bear:: Wait, there's fans? Do they tune into the live Livebarn broadcasts?

Scott:: I bet Livebarn subscriptions have skyrocketed since Covid started. We must get dozens of views.

Bear:: When is the last time you washed your equipment?

Scott:: Never. 

Bear:: Any special procedure?

Scott:: Throw it outside. Freezing cold temps help.

Bear:: Would you be in favor of the Arena piping in crowd noise during games?

Scott:: Any kind of noise would be great. Cheering and booing fans, rooster crows, any cut off of [Wu Tang's] 36 Chambers.

Bear:: What’s your go-to move in a shootout? 

Scott:: Not forgetting the puck at center ice.

Bear:: What do you wish it was?

Scott:: Weekend at Bernie's.

Bear:: What does Blue have to do to win it all this fall?

Scott:: Make sure Holly arrives to each game.

Bear:: Ever wanted to play goalie?

Scott:: Absolutely. I'd probable change my mind before warmups ended though.

Bear:: How do you think playing hockey effects your life?

Scott:: It's great for mental health. I can detach from life's BS for a while. I feel like we are nearly professionals until I see the Livebarn feed and wonder why it plays at 50% speed.

Bear:: Did you play last summer?

Scott:: I did.

Bear:: Did you suffer any psychological consequences during the spring lockout?

Scott:: I go through hockey withdrawal during off season. Shorter temper, even unhealthier diet, night sweats.

Bear:: Does Covid change the way you think about playing hockey now?

Scott:: It's a scary time but we need to be able to have a bit of normalcy. Rink staff does a good job of getting us out there. I think hockey gear provides immunity to airborne illness also.

Bear:: Are you suggesting that the foul acrid smell drives away pathogens?

Scott:: I'm suggesting the pathogens already on the foul hockey equipment scare away airborne illnesses like a bully.

Bear:: Favorite hockey movie? Are there any good hockey movies?

Scott:: There's a bunch, Slapshot and Miracle are great, but Mighty Ducks was my jam. Blue Roosters employ our own version of the Flying V called a Flying D. 

Bear:: Favorite professional hockey player?

Scott:: Besides Kevin Rash it's gotta be Neely. Total beast in the corner, hard shot, smooth hands and tough as nails.

Bear:: Tastes great or less filling?

Scott:: It's all about taste.

Bear:: One last question: what are you going to do without hockey for the next 2 weeks?

Scott:: It's a total bummer but I respect the decision. I hope everyone stays healthy. 2 weeks will give us time to plan for our next opponent. Maybe Blue will have our lines figured out by then. Maybe not.

Upcoming Games
Monday, Mar 17 @ 6:30 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena

Monday, Mar 17 @ 7:40 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena