The Unofficial Website of the
Dover Co-Ed Hockey League

League News

Meet the Players: John Comrie
January 4, 2021
Posted by: Bear Kirkpatrick

Bear: Where were you born?

John: Methuen, Mass

Bear: Where do you live now?

John: Raymond, NH

Bear: Team and position?

John: Gold, preferably left wing

Bear: How long have you been playing in the league?

John: This is my third season

Bear: Why play hockey? Why not play some other sport, or no sport at all?

John: I love it! Also, I can’t catch a ball so most other sports are out. I got too old and responsible for boxing.

Bear: You box? Or did box? Do we have to worry about that kind of enforcer-like skill when on the ice with/against you?

John: I did quite a bit when I was younger. I think I would make a good enforcer, but I don’t want to be kicked out haha.

Bear: What is the best thing or event that has happened to you while playing?

John: It’s almost always a blast, but I do love a hat trick.

Bear: You’ve scored hat tricks? You mean like in your driveway or in an actual game?

John: Mainly in my driveway when no one was there to see it, but I did get one in the league.

Bear: What is the worst thing or event that has happened to you while playing?

John: I knocked down an old man harder than I meant to... not that I meant to... you know what I mean?

Bear: I’ve noticed that some players when they knock somebody over they keep skating, while others try to help the poor sod up. What’s your style?

John: I usually keep skating

Bear: If you were lacing up your skates one day and the Hockey Genie appeared to give you 3 hockey-related wishes, what would they be?

John: Speed, accuracy and hockey IQ.

Bear: Do you ever dream about playing hockey?

John: No. Real men don’t dream. JK JK

Bear: Do you learn anything from watching televised hockey?

John: Plenty, mainly those guys are incredible! I can’t stand it when people talk about professionals as if they actually could do any of what those guys are doing.

Bear: Where do you work?

John: NH Bath and Kitchen, my own little company

Bear: Do you get tweaky at all about your gear? Any pregame (mental or otherwise) ritual?

John: Not really, Red Bull and maybe a dash of moonshine doesn’t hurt. Mentally, I swear I do best when I’m not thinking a lot about it ahead of time.

Bear: How long do you estimate you will play hockey?

John: As long as I can. I wouldn’t mind dying on the ice, it seems like an honorable way to go.

Bear: Anything starting to go yet?

John: Well I know nobody wants to hear a younger guy complain... but I have done some home remedies for broken bones. Turns out I am not a good doctor. I would not recommend me.

Bear: Do you think you would ever get surgery to fix some bodily part just to keep playing hockey longer?

John: Well... it doesn’t stop me from hockey, but I broke my hand pretty badly several years back boxing and tried to fix it with a splint from the pharmacy and a sock. So maybe I would have taken care of that when it happened if I wasn’t so cheap.

Bear: If hockey were a vegetable, what vegetable would it be?  Explain your answer.

John: Spinach? Because I try to avoid vegetables at all costs, so I don’t know of too many. Also it’s better with salt

Bear: If you could magically attain one skill from a specific NHL player, who is that player and what is the skill?

John: Oh man, stick handling, some of these guys have such fast hands like Kane or Barzel but not Cindy Crosby, I’ll never give him credit.

Bear: Why not?

John: ...

Bear: When did you start skating on ice?  When did you start playing hockey?

John: I did some skating on ponds as a kid. My first real hockey experiences were here in Dover at pickup coed, maybe it has been 2-3 years now.

Bear: If you could change one thing about the coed league, what would it be?

John: I love it here. Tough to come up with anything. Maybe make the games longer for more playing time?

Bear: Name a second thing.

John: Allow friendly fighting? No, I don’t know I can’t think of a second thing, honestly.

Bear: During games, do you like to talk to players from the opposing team? Do you have any particular psychological tactic in doing so?

John: Depends, usually not. Usually they’re just a faceless blob I’m trying to get the puck from at all cost.

Bear: When is the last time you washed your equipment?

John: When we had the most recent covid shut down.

Bear: Any special procedure?

John: I have a high powered fan I vented to the outside. Works like a dream.

Bear: Would you be in favor of the Arena piping in crowd noise during games?

John: That would be sweet!

Bear: What’s your go-to move in a shootout? 

John: Keep my head down and not draw any attention to myself so I can avoid having to do a shoot out.

Bear: What do you wish it was?

John: Well I wish I could do that between the legs deke. That might not be the right name but it’s just a sick move to be able to do.

Bear: Ever wanted to play goalie?

John: Absolutely not. lots of pressure, not enough credit if you do good. That’s why goalies are always a little different, it takes a different head space.

Bear: How do you think playing hockey effects your life? Please use a story to illustrate your answer.

John: Well it gives me a place to get out some aggression. I generally work 60 hours a week and have 4 kids so it’s my main escape. Plus, I like to hint at playing hockey when people that haven’t seen me play might assume I’m good?

Bear: Did you play last summer?

John: Yes, Gold had it rough but we’re gonna turn it around now.

Bear: Does Covid change the way you think about playing hockey now?

John: Not really, I miss hanging out a little after the game

Bear: Favorite hockey movie? Are there any good hockey movies?

John: Definitely “Goon”. Not to be confused with “the goon” that one looks weird and has nothing to do with hockey. Of course there are good hockey movies!

Bear: Favorite professional hockey player?

John: Well I really liked Lucic when we had him on the bruins, Marchand, Pastrnak are great too. Not Cindy Crosby, not to be repetitive, I just want to be really clear on that.

Bear: Tastes great or less filling?

John: Tastes great?

Upcoming Games
Monday, Oct 21 @ 6:30 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena

Monday, Oct 21 @ 7:40 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena