The Unofficial Website of the
Dover Co-Ed Hockey League

League News

Meet the Players: Ben Lawlor
September 16, 2020
Posted by: Bear Kirkpatrick

Teammate Benedict Christen on Ben Lawlor:

"I'd say Ben is not lacking in stature, he exudes this primal, almost beastly first impression which can be somewhat intimidating to those unbeknownst. This then matures to reveal a more chieftain like wise and experienced koala bear, so kind, gentle and hairy. On the ice his guile is unmatched, trickery beyond comprehension, with goals from center ice, crushing hits to his own teammates, blocked shots that would kill the average koala, he wears the great 8 twice because one simply isn't enough."

Q: Where were you born?

A: Boston, MA

Q: Where do you live now?

A: Barnstead, NH

Q: Team and position?

A:Dover Purple, RW

Q: Why play hockey?

A: So many great reasons, but the biggest reason has to be the unique atmosphere that a hockey locker room creates. I think the bond a team forms in hockey is unique. 

Q: What is the best thing or event that has happened to you while playing?

A: When I was in college at Loyola New Orleans, I played on our club ice hockey team. We were playing against Mississippi State and got into a huge brawl. There were over 30 players fighting on the ice. Absolutely ridiculous. We all got suspended for a few games. Check out the video...

Q: Are you number 88 in the video?

A: Yup, I was 88 in college. They screwed up my sizing, so I had to switch jerseys. The number stuck and it’s the same number I wear now with Purple Pain. 

Q: What happened in the scuff?

A: On the donnybrook, it all started because one of our guys scored and got cross checked into the goalie during his celly. So naturally he started humping the goalie. Their players came over the boards, so we had to go over the boards so it wouldn’t be a 2 on 1 fight. I had a lot of MMA experience back then so I clobbered some guys. At the end of the video you see the whole Mississippi state team skate into the boards towards one guy. That one guy was me.

Q: Are you the biggest player in Co-ed?

A: Big Ben II [Benedict Christen] and I are close in size. I think he's got me pound for pound, but I might have the height advantage. He’s a big boy. We should do a wingoff at the moose sometime.

Q: What advantages does your size have?

A: In the college days playing check hockey, size was a huge advantage. The physical game was core to my style both on offense and defense. Now it’s less of an advantage but the reach advantage is still huge and I think I can generate a lot of power on my shot because of length/torque. In a league with no slap shots, a hard wrist shot can be a great weapon. 

Q: What is the worst thing or event that has happened to you while playing?

A: I separated my shoulder last December against Red. Took me a while to heal up, especially with two kids under 4. 

Q: If you were lacing up your skates one day and the Hockey Genie appeared to give you 3 hockey-related wishes, what would they be?

A: The skating ability of Nathan MacKinnon, the Grit of Chara, and the physique Tyler Seguin.

Q: Who would win a fight between a wolverine and a cougar? Why?

A: Wolverine all day. Wolverines are musclebound freaks of nature with incredible resolve. I'm not sure a cougar would fight to the death to protect a fresh kill. I'm positive that a Wolverine would. 

Q: Why didn't the Bruins win their recent season-ending series against Tampa Bay?

A: Tampa had a better roster and superior goal tending. Bruins bottom 6 forwards didn't do much at all. Tampa could manage the matchups much better because of their depth. Lack of scoring was a major issue, offensive contributions from the Bruins' defense would have evened the series, but it didn't really happen. 

Q: Where do you work?

A: I work at Sponge-Jet, Inc. in Newington, NH. We manufacture sandblasting equipment and media that is used in over 100 countries around the world. 

Q: What do you do there?

A: I'm the digital marketing manager there. I manage our whole digital marketing and communications platform. Video has evolved to be a core part of my role. I'm working on video planning, script writing, direction, and video production 2 out of 5 days a week.

I've had the opportunity to go to some amazing job sites and document our work, including the Nubble Lighthouse, the US Capitol Dome, the USMC Memorial in Arlington, and the Longfellow Bridge. 

The "behind the scenes" access to some of these projects is something I've treasured. I've been to the top of the US Capitol and under the Longfellow Bridge. 

Q: If you did believe in UFOs, what reason do you think they would be interested in us?

A: I think Earth is a UFO archeologists dream come true.  These alien civilizations would be so advanced to be able to travel from such far away planets, so many thousands of years ahead of us technologically, that Aliens visiting Earth would like us going back in time and seeing caveman discover fire in real time. 

Q: Does summertime hockey violate general laws of nature?

A: No way. Walking into a rink on a hot July day is one of the best feelings in the world. Alternatively, walking out of a rink after a game into the humid July air is one of the worst feelings in the world.


Q: How long do you estimate you will play hockey?

A: I'd love to play on the same team with my girls one day. They are 3 and 15 months now, so I have a long wait ahead of me. 

Q: If a meteor were headed straight for earth and you could save the planet by encapsulating hockey in only 5 words, what would they be?

A: Best Sport Played On Ice

Q: If hockey were a vegetable, what vegetable would it be? Explain your answer.

A: Fried Green beans with buttermilk Ranch, because it's the best.

Q: If you could magically attain one skill from a specific NHL player, who is that player and what is the skill?

A: Nate Mac's speed, because you can’t teach speed. 

Q: When did you start skating on ice? When did you start playing hockey?

A: I played a lot of street hockey as a youth but my first organized ice hockey games weren’t till college. My parents tried to get me to skate really young but I hated it. 

Q: If you could change one thing about the coed league, what would it be?

A: 7pm start times for every game. 

Q: Name a second thing.

A: League wide top ten plays highlight video. 

Q: Name one member of your team you think could run for mayor of Dover?

A: MaryBeth [Weaver] may be the nicest person in the world, she’d get my vote. 

Q: When is the last time you washed your equipment?

A: People wash their equipment? 

Q: Any special procedure?

A: Keep it wet. 

Q: If you could teach Donald Trump to play hockey, what is the first thing you would say to him?

A: Park that big butt in front of the net. 

Q: What's your go-to move in a shootout?

A: Find the hole, hit the spot 

Q: What do you wish it was?

A: Forehand, Backhand, Forehand Dangle 

Q: How often do you curse on ice?

A: Every time I fumble a pass... So frequently. 

Q: How do you think playing hockey effects your life?

A: Postgame energy is amazing. The endorphin dump and the high of a win is incredible. 

Q: Favorite hockey movie?

A: Goon. Saw it in theaters the day it came out. Still have the ticket stub. 

Q: Favorite hockey player?

A: Tossup between Chara and Brent Burns

Q: Tastes great or less filling?

A: Tastes Great. I don't care about calories; I’ve got Nate MacKinnon's speed after talking to that Genie.

Upcoming Games
Monday, Mar 17 @ 6:30 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena

Monday, Mar 17 @ 7:40 PM
@ Dover Ice Arena